
Grading System (Fall 2016 to Present)

The following table provides the grades and numeric values that comprise the standard grading system for calculating GPA:

GradeDescriptionPoints per credit
F0Failure based on non-attendance0.00
PSatisfactory (Pass)N/A
EMDepartmental ExaminationN/A
WWithdrew from courseN/A
WAAdministratively withdrawnN/A
WIWithdrew from the UniversityN/A
+National / International
Student Exchange Credit
DRDropped CourseN/A
NCNo Credit EarnedN/A
NGNo grade assigned by
instructor (system generated)
IPIn Progress - Thesis/Dissertation Courses onlyN/A

P(Pass) and NC (No Credit) Grades for Spring 2020

Grading systems from Fall 1975 to Summer 2016.

For grades Fall 1972 to Summer 1975 contact OneStop


  • Grading Option

    Each Academic Unit is responsible for determining a course’s grading option. Courses may be offered for a letter grade (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, F) or Pass/Fail (P for pass or F for fail). Courses offered with a grading option (OP) allow students to choose a letter grade or a Pass/Fail grade. The grading option must be indicated at the time of registration and may not be changed after the Add/Drop period. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

  • Audit (AU)

    Audited courses are part of a student’s official academic record and will be recorded on the transcript. These courses do not count towards total credits earned nor do they affect the student’s GPA. Audited courses are assessed tuition based on the current fee schedule. Students wishing to audit a course (AU) must obtain written permission from the instructor on departmental letterhead. Students have until the end of the Add/Drop period to request a course to be audited. Once a course has been requested as an audit, the grading option may not be changed. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

  • Variable Credits

    For certain courses, the student has the option to decide how many credits he/she would like to enroll in. This is called a variable credit class.

  • Late Drops (DR)

    Courses dropped after the official Add/Drop Period are recorded on the transcript with a grade of “DR” (dropped). Students are financially liable for all courses dropped after the Add/Drop period.

    Learn more about dropping classes.

  • Withdrawals (W)

    A withdrawal grade (WI) is assigned if the student wishes to drop all courses for a particular semester or withdrawal from the university after the Add/Drop period. The Academic Calendar contains the appropriate semester deadlines for completing a withdrawal with a 25% refund of tuition and for completing a withdrawal without refund of tuition. Students who wish to obtain a withdrawal grade should visit the Office of the Registrar to obtain the Withdrawal Form. This form must be completed in full and signed by several departments, including but not limited to, the Office of Financial Aid, the Office of Student Financials, and the Library. International students and Veterans are required to obtain additional signatures before the Withdrawal Form can be returned to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

    Learn more about withdrawing from classes.

  • Incomplete Grade (IN)

    An incomplete grade (IN) is a temporary symbol given at the discretion of the instructor for work not completed due to serious interruption, not caused by the student's own negligence. Students receiving an incomplete grade must complete the appropriate coursework within two semesters (including summer). If coursework is not completed in this time frame, the incomplete grade (IN) will automatically default to a failing grade (F). Students should not re-enroll in the same course to make up the incomplete grade. To change an incomplete grade, the student should speak directly to the course instructor to have the appropriate documentation submitted.

    If a student receives an incomplete grade and has applied for graduation at the end of the term, he or she must complete the incomplete grade prior to the conferral of the degree. The Graduation Office begins to confer degrees on the day grades are released and continues within the timeframe given to them by the State of Florida. If the student does not complete the incomplete with the established timeframe, the student’s graduation will be denied and he or she will need to apply for graduation for the following term.

  • No Credit Earned (NC)

    The NC grading policy is designed to enable freshman degree-seeking students the opportunity to progress successfully towards timely graduation. This policy allows students to recover from initial difficulties they may experience in the transition to the rigors of university academic coursework. This policy is limited to University Core Curriculum (UCC) and selected lower-division courses.

    During the spring semester of 2020, students were afforded the opportunity to request NC (No Credit) grades in lieu of their previously earned F grades, amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to Calculate Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA is calculated for all students.  GPAs are calculated only for grades earned at FIU. There are two types of GPAs: Semester and Cumulative. The semester GPA is calculated using the courses taken in that semester. The cumulative GPA is a summary of all FIU courses taken over a student’s career. Remember, when a student’s career changes (i.e., undergraduate to graduate), the GPA calculation begins anew. Transfer course grades are not included in any GPA calculations. To calculate a GPA, one must know the course grade, the course credits or semester hours associated with that course, and the values associated with each grade assigned. See the Grading System list above for "Points Per Credit Hour" values.

To calculate a GPA, first multiply the number of course credits/semester hours for each course by the grade point values associated with the grade received in that course. Then add all of those totals together and divide that sum by the total number of course credits/semester hours. For a semester GPA use all regularly graded courses in that semester (plus P/F courses in which an F or U was earned), and for the cumulative GPA use all courses. Do not average semester GPAs in order to calculate the cumulative GPA.

Note: All GPAs are rounded to two decimal points.
Note: On the Grading System list above, some grades will not affect GPA, such as “P” (Satisfactory), “IN” (Incomplete) or “DR” (Dropped).  Thus, do not include the credits for such graded courses in the calculation. 

Here is an example of semester GPA calculation:

Calculating a Semester GPA



Course Credits Attempted

Points Per Credit Hour

Points Per Course

ENC 1101 


3.0 x

3.00  =


MAC 1147


4.0 x

3.33  =


BSC 2010


3.0 x

3.67  =


BSC 2010L


1.0 x

4.00  =


AMH 2041


3.0 x

2.00  =


ARH 2050


3.0 x

0.00  =






Semester GPA

43.33 divided by 17 = 2.55

Change of Grade

If a student believes that he or she received the wrong grade for a class, the student should speak to the class instructor first. If there was an error in the grading roster, the class instructor will be responsible for initiating action to update the grade for the student. Change of grade requests must be approved by the class instructor, the College or School’s Dean’s Office, and may require additional approval from the Provost’s Office if the change of grade is for a classthat was not taken within the last 12 months.

If students do not see a grade posted on their transcript they should contact their professor, as the professor would be the ones approving/submitting the grade the student earned in the class.