Auditing a Class

Auditing a class that does not earn credit and does not count against your GPA.

A student can audit a class with the explicit permission of the instructor teaching the class. The instructor may deny the auditing of an individual class. Tuition and fees are the same whether the student is taking the class for credit or for an audit. The AU symbol will be assigned as a grade for audited classes. Classes taken on an audit grading basis do not earn credit, nor is an AU grade used in the GPA calculation. 

How to audit a class

To audit a class, the student must:

  1. Complete an Enrollment Adjustment Form; select the audit option under the professor's name.
  2. Obtain the instructor’s approval/signature to audit the class on the form; email approval specifying permission to audit will be accepted from instructors FIU mail.
  3. Submit the form to OneStop by following instructions at the bottom of the enrollment adjustment form.

This can be done through the end of the add/drop period.

Refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates and deadlines.  Classes registered on an audit grading basis cannot be reverted to the original grading basis after the add/drop period.

For more information regarding this policy, please refer to Policy # 1360.010.