Repeating Classes

Contact your advisor and carefully consider your options before choosing to retake a course. Read the policies below to see how retaking a class could affect you.

Students may repeat courses in which they received a grade of “WI,” “DR”, U,” “D,” “NC,” or “F”.

  • Repeated courses may be subject to the Repeat Course Surcharge.
  • Both the original and repeat grades will be used in the computation of GPA, unless the student applies for grade forgiveness, but credit for only one attempt will apply towards graduation.
  • All attempts and grades will remain on the student academic record/transcript.
  • Students may not re-enroll in courses for which they have received a grade of “C” or higher without permission from their academic advisor.
  • Students may repeat courses which are specifically designated as repeatable for credit.
  • Repeatable courses may be taken up to the maximum number of times or hours as stated in the course description and/or university catalog.
  • Course enrollment beyond these limits may not count toward the student's earned hours.
  • Repeated courses may be subject to the Repeat Course Surcharge.
  • For Financial Aid recipients, please review the Federal Financial Aid Repeat Course Policy for more information.

These policies are maintained separate from the Grade Forgiveness policy. Students should consider the forgiveness policy as well when retaking classes.