Collection and Use of SSN

Notification of Collection and Usage of Social Security Number from Students for Admissions, Registration and Financial Aid.

Florida law provides that Florida International University (FIU) must notify students of the purposes for which FIU collects social security numbers. FIU collects social security numbers from students for admission, registration, and financial aid purposes.

  • For use in processing admission applications for purposes of identification and verification of student records.
  • For use in administering federal and state programs/loans, including verification of eligibility. These programs include, but are not limited to:
    • Financial Aid and other related loan programs.
    • Scholarship Programs, including Bright Futures
    • Veterans Administration benefits for qualified students.
  • For use in complying with IRS Reporting Requirements pertaining to the Hope Scholarship Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit provided under federal legislation.
  • For use in preparing Student Enrollment Reports required to be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System under Federal Law.
  • For use in providing official student transcripts to authorized third parties (i.e. educational institutions and employers upon receipt of required releases) for student student identification purposes.
  • For enrollment verification and eligibility for health insurance coverage, auto insurance coverage, and benefits, as requested by students.
  • For submitting reports to the Florida Board of Governors as required.

Please Note: This is only a listing of the collection and use of social security numbers by the University in the admissions, registration, and financial aid areas. All students are advised that social security numbers are confidential and may only be released in accordance with applicable law.