Frequently Asked Questions

The following list of Frequently Asked Questions is meant to assist you in understanding how Excess Credit Hours are calculated and the Excess Credit Hour Surcharge is applied to student accounts at FIU. It is not exhaustive of every single scenario and case that could occur regarding this fee. Florida Statute 1009.286 and associated Regulations guide FIU on how to calculate each student’s Excess Credit Counter. Please see your academic advisor for more information.

Excess Credit Cohorts

  • How are Excess Credit Cohorts assigned?

    Excess Credit Cohorts are assigned based on the term that you first entered a college or university after completing your high school degree. Students who entered college prior to Fall 2009 are exempt from this regulation.

    Excess credit hour threshold and the surcharge percentage for each excess credit cohort
    Semester You First Entered a College or University after High SchoolExcess Credit Hour ThresholdSurcharge Percentage of Tuition Rate
    Prior to Fall 2009Not applicableNot applicable
    Fall 2009 – Summer 2011120% of Program Requirements50% of Tuition Rate
    Fall 2011 – Summer 2012115% of Program Requirements100% of Tuition Rate
    Fall 2012 – Spring 2019110% of Program Requirements100% of Tuition Rate
    Summer 2019 or Thereafter120% of Program Requirements100% of Tuition Rate
  • How can I find out how many credit hours are required for my degree?

    The number of credits required for your degree is dependent upon your major. You can see the requirements for a Baccalaureate Degree for your major by reviewing the Course Catalog or visiting your academic advisor.

Excess Credit Hour Surcharge - Fee Amounts

Excess Credit Counter

  • What is included in my Excess Credit Counter?

    The following credit hours are included in your Excess Credit Hour Counter:

    • All courses taken at FIU including:
      • Failed Courses
      • Courses dropped after the advertised drop/add deadline (DR grades)
      • Courses from which you withdraw after the semester begins (WI grades)
      • NC grades
      • Repeated courses (except those for which you paid a Repeat Surcharge)
    • And all credit earned at another institution and accepted for transfer and applied towards your baccalaureate degree program.
  • What is excluded from my Excess Credit Counter?

    The following credit hours are excluded from your Excess Credit Hour Counter:

    • College credit earned through articulated accelerated mechanisms such as AP, IB, CLEP,AICE, or dual enrollment
    • Credit hours earned through internship
    • Credit hours required for certification, recertification, or certificate programs
    • Courses from which the student withdraws for reasons of medical or personal hardship
    • Credit taken by active-duty military personnel
    • Credit hours taken to achieve a dual major/second bachelor while pursuing a baccalaureate degree
    • Remedial and English-as-a-second-language credit hours
    • Credit hours earned in military science courses that are part of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program
  • How can I petition courses to be excluded from my Excess Credit Counter?

    If you feel that some of your coursework can be excluded from your Excess Credit Counter, please contact your academic advisor. Your advisor will review your academic records and verify if any exclusions can be applied.

Failed Courses

Dropped or Withdrawn Courses

  • Are courses where I earned DR grades added to my Excess Credit Counter?

    Yes. Florida Statute 1009.286 mandates that all credit hours taken at the university, including courses dropped after the drop/add period, are included in your Excess Credit Counter.

  • Are classes I drop during the add/drop period included in my Excess Credit Counter?

    No, only courses that are recorded as taken on your official academic record (transcript) are included in your Excess Credit Counter.

  • What if I withdraw from a course?

    FIU offers two types of official course withdrawals.

    In the event that you appeal to drop a course for reasons relating to a medical issue, death in the immediate family, or involuntary call to military action, and your appeal is approved, the courses you petitioned will be removed from your Excess Credit Counter. See student petitions.

    However, credits taken in semesters where you filed a Student Withdrawal Form and received WI grades on your official academic record (transcript) are included in your Excess Credit Counter.

Incomplete Courses

Repeated Courses

Academic Amnesty and Academic Salvage

Transfer Credits

Dual Enrollment and Test Credits


  • What is considered an internship course?

    The University will exclude internship hours automatically from your excess credit total whenever possible. However, it is not always possible to identify internship on the academic record of a student, especially when taken at another institution. If you feel that your excess credit hour total includes your internship hours, please see your academic advisor.

Certification, Recertification, and Certificate Programs

Active Military Duty and ROTC Credits


Second Majors, Second Bachelors, and Minors

Remedial and ESL Credits

Graduate Courses

  • Do graduate courses count?

    If you enroll in graduate level coursework while you are an undergraduate student, these credits will be included in your Excess Credit Counter. If you are a graduate student (admitted to/enrolled in a graduate program), the Excess Credit Hour Surcharge does not apply to you if you have completed a bachelor’s degree.

Special Programs @ FIU