All Forms
A list of all forms that are filed and processed by OneStop. Download a form and/or e-file your form through MyFIU.
Submit Forms Online
How to upload forms to MyFIU. Most OneStop forms can be submitted this way.
Step 1: Complete Form
Download your required form(s) above. Complete the form and make sure to collect any required signatures (if applicable).
Step 2: Scan All Documents
Scan your completed form(s) and/or supporting documents. Scanners are available on campus. Acceptable file types include: PDF, JPG/JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, DOC and TIF/TIFF.
Step 3: Upload to MyFIU
Use the upload tool on MyFIU:
- Log onto MyFIU.
- Select the 'Student Tools' tile.
- Click the 'Document Uploads' tile
- Review the instructions then click 'Accept and Continue.'
- Select the Department, Aid Year (if applicable) and Form Name from the drop down menus. Check the bottom of the form you are uploading if you are unsure of the department.
- Select your file and 'Upload.' Remember to upload any supporting documents too. Use the + and – to add or remove files. Click 'Done' when all necessary files are uploaded.
- Click 'Submit' to finish.
Step 4: Check for Confirmation
When you hit submit, an email confirmation will be sent to your FIU email. Please make sure to actively monitor your email to confirm your form was submitted.

A list of resources for students.
- Academic Dismissal
- Collection & Use of Social Security Number
- Excess Credit Surcharge
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Grade Forgiveness
- Grading
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Student Petition
- Readmission
- Repeat Course Surcharge
- Residency Reclassification
- Return of Financial Aid
- Withdrawal From University